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Merge Gupta-Sunderji turns managers into leaders. A well-respected leadership expert and columnist for The Globe & Mail, Merge gives people specific and practical tools to achieve leadership and communication success. Over 65,000 managers in eight countries have attended her keynotes and workshops. With more than seventeen years of first-hand experience, Merge offers a unique blend of realism and humor that consistently engages and entertains her audiences! She’s an award-winning author of two books, over 90 articles and 25 audio and online programs.

Speaker Topics

Generations Exposed! Unexpected Insights Into the People You Work With

You can’t help but notice it – the diversity in the age of people in the workplace. From new young workers to baby boomers to individuals on the threshold of retirement, each of these demographics brings their own perspectives and impacts to an organization. In an intriguing (and challenging) twist on the multi-generational workforce, it’s not unusual to face a workplace (or even just a department) where you have all four generations present! Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X-ers and Millennials, they each have their own values, expectations, habits, and work styles, and if leaders fail to acknowledge and develop strategies to actively manage them, they will create conflict, inefficiency, and eventually negativity leading to a loss of future leaders in the company. As a leader, it’s critical to understand the differences between each generation, and perhaps more importantly, consciously and deliberately adapt your leadership style to communicate with, motivate, and lead this multi-generational workforce.

Why Does the Lobster Cast Off Its Shell?

This intriguing title actually has a very simple answer: to grow! But for a lobster, the task is not as easy as one might think! Unknown to most, the lobster goes through periods of extreme vulnerability and risk in order to develop and evolve … and so too it can be with people and organizations. And in today’s new economic reality, as leaders across the country are facing new challenges … and new opportunities … this message is more relevant than ever. Resources are fewer, nevertheless you’re being asked to accomplish more tasks, give greater levels of customer service, and achieve improved results. Yet if you can step back from the day-to-day and focus on the bigger picture, the possibilities hold enormous potential. You already know the importance of stretching and pushing yourself beyond the obvious in order to be successful, but it takes skill and perspective to position for the future! In this powerful and engaging keynote, Merge will teach you six hands-on practical strategies to help you become a lobster – to consciously push the limits of your comfort zone so that you look past the here-and-now, so that you continue to grow and thrive, and position yourself and your organization for long-term and sustainable success.

High Heels That Click: Why Female Leadership Has Its Advantages

Beyond just the obvious, men and women really are different beings! Research clearly demonstrates that women view and respond differently to specific workplace situations than men do. And unfortunately, in the past, these differences were perceived by many as disadvantages in leadership and success. Get ready to explode that myth! In this entertaining, engaging, and sometimes tongue-in-cheek keynote, Merge outlines five significant traits that separate the women from the men, and shows how the things that set us apart as women actually set us ahead as leaders. Using colorful anecdotes and compelling metaphors, you’ll see how what makes you distinct also makes you incomparable.

Turtle Training for the Hare: Why Slow ‘n’ Steady Trumps Fast ‘n’ Furious

Whether you use the metaphor of the turtle vs. the hare or the sprinter vs. the long-distance runner (Merge uses both!), the underlying message is that building strength and sustainability in your people is what will give you long-term victory in lasting leadership. If your organization is going to be successful in today’s highly competitive business world, then you need to look beyond just the day to day. Are your people marathoners who have the energy and endurance to go up hills and down valleys, or will they fizzle and sputter when the hurdles get higher? In a positive and entertaining look at growth and productivity, Merge offers you specific and practical ideas to build strength and sustainability in your employees and ultimately your organization.

Turning Managers Into Leaders – Six Essential Elements of the Leadership Journey

Management is what you do, leadership is how you do it.

– Merge Gupta-Sunderji, Power Tools for Leaders

Successful leaders know that there is an enormous difference between managing and leading! Success in leadership is measured not by what you do, but rather by the impact you have on others. Ultimately: management is about getting things done, leadership is about getting other people to get things done. So what exactly are these elusive factors that separate the manager from the leader? Merge has crystallized these differences into what she calls the leadership mentality – six core values that ignite the spirits and minds of leaders and take them from average to exceptional! In this upbeat and fast-paced keynote, you’ll discover surprisingly straightforward actions you can take that will make a dramatic impact to your leadership effectiveness – literally overnight. Through rich metaphors and real-life examples, Merge will leave you with six simple, yet incredibly powerful, traits to take you on your journey from manager … to leader.

Note to Organizers:

This crisp and compelling keynote is most effective when delivered at the beginning or end of a leadership or management conference. Designed specifically for those who are responsible for leading others, it’s guaranteed to leave participants with plenty of gas to punch the accelerator and go! In this upbeat and fast-paced journey along the highways and side streets of leadership, participants will explore and experience:

-The six core values that separate managers from leaders

-Vibrant relevant examples and metaphors that vividly illustrate the differences between managers and leaders

-Specific and practical techniques that they can use immediately to either start or continue their transition from manager to leader

Main themes:  leadership, people development, growth, positive attitude, continuous learning


“Merge is a meeting planner’s dream come true! She doesn’t just deliver packaging, the content is always rich. Her platform skills and subject knowledge will ensure that you get rave reviews from your attendees.”

Vice President, Promotional Product Professionals of Canada

“You are inspiring, motivating, and leave your delegates feeling like they can take on the world. Thank you for sharing your message and words. They do change the world, one person at a time, and one conference at a time.”

Sales Manager, Scotiabank Convention Centre

“I must say, few speakers can capture a diverse audience of 350 people like Merge does – I mean the entire room! Our attendees talked about her presentation and the skills they learned throughout the entire four day conference. Merge was definitely the “buzz” of our event!”

Director of Claims Training, Eberl Claims Service

“Merge was amazing and completely hit the mark! She delivers practical common sense packaged so that key messages will be remembered for years to come. Her metaphors were witty, insightful and inspiring.”

Executive Advisor, Alberta Energy Corporation

“My management team raves about Merge — she effortlessly reconciles theory with practical experience while making her timeless leadership messages real and memorable.”

Director, Corporate Services, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, Industry Canada

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