Speaker Bio
Social entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, best-selling author and philanthropist, Martin Latulippe, CSP has been hired by hundreds of organizations of national and international renown, to teach strategies in transformational and inspirational leadership. Martin is one of the most in-demand bilingual inspirational speakers in Canada. He has taught hundreds of organizations strategies in leadership, change management, inspiration, and peak performance. Audiences are blown away by Martin’s wisdom and life-touching stories.
Injured in the neck by a hockey skate while playing at the World University Championships in 2001 as Team Canada captain, Martin nevertheless led his team to a silver medal victory. Since then, he has dedicated his life to helping individuals, teams, and organizations create and master transformational thinking.
Martin is the author of 4 best-selling books.
Martin has had the privilege of sharing the stage with some of the greatest in the world – Sir Richard Branson, Jack Canfield, Lt. Gen. Romeo Dallaire, Clara Hughes and Kevin O’Leary just to name a few.
Here is what Jack Canfield, coauthor of the International Bestselling Series Chicken Soup for the Soul said in Moncton about him after a conference in which they both spoke:
“Note to myself: Never book a speaker more dynamic and funnier than me when I speak… This young man is a truly gifted speaker with a very bright future. Martin was simply amazing!”
On July 2009, Martin received his Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, the highest standard of excellence within the professional speaking industry. Less than 10% of the more than 6,000 speakers around the world hold this designation.
More than an expert-speaker, Martin also volunteers as the Chairman of the New Brunswick Tree of Hope provincial fundraising campaign that raises more than $1.5 million every year for cancer patients.
In their day-to-day life, Martin and his wife Chantal are the proud parents of a little boy named Kaël and a little girl Maïka.
Speaker Topics
In this very interactive and touching keynote, discover the exceptional power of attitude, your ultimate legacy towards life. You’re looking to totally AWAKEN the best attitude of your organization, your employees and your members to the height of your GREATEST aspiration? This keynote is the best investment you’ll ever make to reach your goal.
In this keynote, you will discover:
– The exceptional power of ATTITUDE, our ultimate legacy towards life;
– What we focus on expands! How to awaken our full potential so we don’t spend our life living in a mental wheel chair;
– Living your passion is a privilege but living with passion is a choice;
– The best strategies to manage the most important human resource available on the planet: yourself.
– Schedule a date to improve and to change your life or become crazy!
In today’s world, employees of all organizations have to deal with many changes: organizational, professional and personal. Competition, new trends, restructuring and higher objectives to reach continually press people to show up and perform at the highest standard of excellence. This is a daunting challenge! During this most interactive session, discover the magic of Excellence Within, the same excellence that precedes any significant personal victory.
The topics covered in this session will be:
– How sales force can survive and thrive in a rapidly changing work environment – It’s all about value in this new economy!
– Discover why 85% of all changes in life will never work and what to do about it so you can master your environment and make change happen.
– Move from What-How and When to WHY? The key to empowerment!
– Be careful, your perception will become your reality. Discover how to master your perception in times of change.
– Discover the principles of a healthy transition when facing changes to maintain your momentum towards your highest goals.
“LIFE comes down to inner victories over the years, by our decisions to live each day with passion and our ability to help others without expecting something in return. To be truthful, LIFE should not have a rating scale. A victory should never be but a victory, big or small; a choice should never be but a choice, easy or difficult; and helping should never be a quantifiable act, whether you’ve helped one person or one million.”
Martin hits home talking about:
– The ability to live in the present moment.
– The awakening or reawakening of your full potential, ordinary people who achieve extraordinary results.
– Remaining connected to your passions, objectives and dreams.
– Treasures that are hidden behind action, audacity and FEAR.
– Managing extreme balance: do, have, be.
– The most important choice regarding your life!
He touches base with the ZEROLIMITE ATTITUDE towards:
– Your dreams.
– Your inner victories.
– Your personal and professional stability.
– Your objectives and results.
– You… because your attitude will determine your altitude in life!
Level 3 Leaders understand the new evolution of the workforce. In high performing organizations, these leaders focus on the big picture. Employees who work for great leaders know how their jobs relate to the bigger vision of their organization. All the research and surveys indicate that employees want to know how they fit in, that their opinions count, and that they are valued. Great leaders take this information to heart and give feedback on a daily basis. Welcome to Level 3!
LEVEL 3 LEADERSHIP: 5 keys to transform your potential into performance!
– Move your vision from an inscription to a prescription. Many teams have a written vision but often no one cares about that vision. Discover how to leverage your vision so it becomes a subscription (everybody’s on board) and a prescription (that vision is reflected into your daily actions).
– Become a master at “personalizing”. Every leader understands that employees all have unique personalities and in order to transform each and every one’s potential into outstanding performance, you need to become a master at personalizing your interactions.
– Never assume! Great leaders are masters at communicating. They understand that perception is everything. Therefore, they master strategies for effective communication so they never have to assume that their message is clear: they know it is!
– Encourage collaboration and become an inspiring leader! People support what they create. This is probably one of the most powerful leadership secret. At the same time, this is the secret that most organizations and leaders struggle with. It can result in conflicts and objections that become hard to manage. Discover how to leverage this secret.
– Grati-TAG leadership. Gratitude is one of the most underestimated leadership qualities, but the reality is that it’s THE most powerful one to build a strong and exciting culture that leads to exceptional outcomes. Grati-TAG is a concept where Leaders TAG their employees with gratitude as often as possible. Gratitude works just like playing tag when we were kids. Once you’re it, you want to tag someone else! Gratitude works the same in the work place.
“Everyone LOVED Martin. The presentation was wonderful and his sense of humor and stories were enjoyed by all. We would definitely recommend him to other groups here at the Region.”
“After attending many seminars from both national and international organizations throughout my career, I was eager to hear the content of your conference presented to our accounting firm last week. I have to admit that nothing had prepared our group for this great adventure. Our staff which consists of employees as young as 22 years of age to 59 years was totally captivated by your presentation. Personally, I have never been entertained in a conference to that degree. It is hard to explain without having assisted to one of your adventures. You are truly without a doubt the mostamazing, inspiring and entertaining speaker I have ever met. On behalf of everyone at our firm, I wish to thank you for what has been the most powerful and positive experience for us as a group.”
“Very funny and extremely charming! Martin captivated all who were present!”
“You punctuated our evening with your unique energy!”
“With a very high satisfaction rate of 98.7%, your conference was greatly appreciated!”
“Martin is a fantastic speaker!”
“With your enthousiasm, sense of humour and energy, you succeeded in preparing our delegates to fully participate in our three-day conference. As a result, at the end of the conference the participants were, without a doubt, all very stimulated and motivated for the upcoming year!”
“Very innovative teachings delivered with unsurpassed dynamism!”
“Great show! It’s realistic, inspiring and very captivating. It will have an immediate impact on your participants.”
“Within minutes Martin had our group in stitches which carried through for the length of his presentation. Martin’s humour, energy, compassion and message were perfect for our group. Everyone raved about him afterwards and left at the end of the day on a high. We would love to have the opportunity to use Martin in the future. Thank you for surpassing our expectations!”
“Martin Latulippe is simply one of the best speakers I have seen. He has a presence that fills the whole room. Add to that his quick wit, brilliant insights, and wildly entertaining storytelling, and you have a combination that is life-changing every time.”
“Martin’s the best I’ve seen.”
“Martin exceeded our expectations by far. He is one of the most dynamic speakers we have had, and delivered an energy-filled session that captured participants’ attention. They went home with newfound motivation and energy. We strongly recommend him.”
“Although Martin Latulippe was a speaker who received good remuneration for his efforts, I have to say that he is the first inspirational speaker, at his accomplished level, that was a person first and foremost, and a speaker secondly. I think this is why we all connected with his message so well. You were simply amazing!”
“The theme of our event, “Building On Our Strengths,” reflects the ways that employees and I work together in the coming years to make our Office stronger than ever. It was important to me to have a speaker who could help us set the tone for the day by touching on the theme in an inspirational way, and your presentation accomplished that with care and depth. I have heard from many employees who thoroughly enjoyed the time with you, as I did.
Your thought-provoking presentation reminded us of some important life principles that we often forget as we go about our daily lives. Your heartwarming and humorous stories helped us recognize the big impact that even our smallest actions can have on the lives of others. The idea of “Focusing On Purpose” resonated particularly with me, and is something I plan to keep in mind as I work with employees over the course of my mandate.”
“Our HR Forum ended on a very successful note with our special guest speaker, Martin Latulippe. He kept the approximately 150 HR professionals totally enthralled for close to two hours. We have received numerous emails regarding the success of our event and it is in large part to Martin’s presentation! Well done!!”
“As you are Insanely Grateful, we are filled with Mentally Instability in our Thankfulness for your magnificent contribution! Seriously Martin you were the glue the held us together and the wind beneath our wings 🙂 THANK YOU!!!”
“Martin was one of the best speakers to ever be invited to our Chamber’s AGM! His presentation was empowering but at the same time extremely humoristic. He captivated our guests with his stories and most certainly engaged the crowd. His ice-breaking method had everyone on their feet and hugging each other – it was hilarious! We had the pleasure of spending time with him both before and after his keynote and quickly realized this friendly guy was very down-to-earth and easy to talk to. I highly recommend Martin for any organization’s event – especially those seeking a bilingual speaker. Thanks Limelight!”
“Many members of our team connected on an emotional level with Martin! He was engaging and highly entertaining while still delivering a message that inspired pride in our work in public service. His inspirational talk made a huge impact on our team!”
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