Speaker Bio
Candace Carnahan’s path as a safety advocate resulted from a devastating workplace incident in which she lost her leg at the age of 21. That day could have taken her life, and it was completely preventable. One step changed her life.
Since that day 20 years ago, more than half a million people have heard her message of workplace safety. Her advocacy reaches into every layer of an organization – from corporate offices to manufacturing and production environments.
With nothing more than a microphone and a breadth of stories, Candace captivates. She is just as at home on conference stages as she is on offshore rigs, or production facilities – anywhere employees are making decisions about their safety.
Speaker Topics
Candace believes that the first step in NOT getting injured is knowing that you CAN be. Her unimaginable experience dispels the myth that we are invincible; what you don’t know, in fact, can hurt you – lessons Candace learned the hard way. In guiding audiences through a very personal account of the day that changed her life forever, Candace recounts her thoughts and talks about her then subconscious belief that nothing “bad” could ever happen to her.
Candace focuses on identifying the many contributing factors that led to her injury while assuming responsibility for her own role in the incident. She encourages people to take a leading role in their own health & safety and to embrace their right to an injury-free and healthy environment. She believes safety is a state-of-mind or attitude that we must carry with us throughout our day to day lives.
A slight departure from the presentations that Candace is most well known for but still just as motivating. Half-Priced Pedicures is a humorous and uplifting discussion that focuses on the power of positivity and possibility. This inspirational account, recalls several pivotal moments throughout Candace’s recovery from a workplace incident that most certainly set the tone for the path she has been travelling on since losing a limb.
Candace demonstrates the roles that hope, and positivity have played in her life and celebrates the little things in life that can lead to big changes. Candace’s story will inspire her audience to never underestimate the power we must speak or act in small ways are life changing, to themselves and to others, in enormous, unforgettable ways.
Candace is committed to the well-being of our future workforce and believes that a safer workplace starts with well-informed youth. As part of her work, Candace partners with clients to offer speaking engagements at local schools and colleges while on tour. Candace speaks about her typical life as a student, working a summer job when one step in the wrong direction changed the course of her life, forever. She delivers her powerful story and unique life lessons with a mix of humour and harsh reality that continues to resonate with students across North America.
These are just a few of the topics Candace covers and since she doesn’t use a standard approach with slides/videos she offers a unique ability to quickly tailor her presentation to incorporate current events and special topics while addressing the interest of her audience and needs of her client.
“See something…say something” is now part of my daily vocabulary. Listening to Candace’s presentation to Compass Group was interesting, funny, sad, relatable, and emotional, but it changed something within me as a human being. I’m not sure actually how it happened, but Candace’s story has inspired me to make some immediate changes in my life and to be a better person. I immediately went home and talked to my teenage son about his part time job in the courier industry. I admitted that I had no idea what he really did there so we had a long conversation about his duties and any potential safety risks. It was important for me to let him know that he has the right to refuse to work if there was ever an unsafe condition. As a senior member of a large organization, Candace’s message also made me think about my personal responsibility to keep the thousands of employees on my team safe everyday at work; and, to never think that “just one” accident is acceptable
‘Candace spoke at our manufacturing facility to 600 + employees and had a tremendous & immediate impact on each and every person. She clearly passes on the message we want to improve safety in our plants in a way that very few can.’
Many speakers can educate audiences through a deep understanding of workplace health and safety, but few can strike the same emotional chord through retellings of personal tragedy and triumph as Candace can. Simply put, she is in a class of her own
‘There are many specific details that made Candace’s presentation a very worthwhile investment….beyond the spectacular feedback by staff and managers, I’ve seen an immediate spike in our hazard reporting and that trend continued throughout the year. We registered a 104% increase in our ratio over the previous year. People really took the key message to heart.’

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