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Speaker Bio

Simon T. Bailey is the CEO of Simon T. Bailey International, a premium education company specializing in creating learning and development content for individuals and organizations. Simon derives great joy by sharing and inspiring men and women with a simple transformational framework and the tools needed to create a purposeful life and a meaningful and profitable business.

Simon delivers tangible takeaways that are easy to implement and produce sustainable results. He connects with any audience – on many levels – with a relevant message that resonates beyond the stage. Simon serves as a guide and catalyst, challenging people to shift and create their future. With his wisdom and expertise, an Orlando-based healthcare system was able to be acquired and a division of a hospitality company was ranked No. 1 for customer service by

Simon is one of America’s top 10 most-booked corporate and association speakers on Change, Leadership, and Customer Experience. He has worked with over 1,500 organizations and has impacted more than 2 million people through his presentations and seminars in 45 countries worldwide. As a Hall of Fame keynote speaker, executive adviser, and author, he addresses more than 100,000 people each year. Some of his clients include AT&T, IBM, MasterCard, Microsoft, and Toyota. 

His popular Building Business Relationships course for LinkedIn has been viewed by 20,000 professionals in 100 countries. His new course, How to Find a Sponsor, is receiving rave reviews. Simon is the top-selling author of seven books and creator of the Shift Your Brilliance System, a personal development program that takes individuals and organizations on a transformational journey to create a brilliant life and business. A percentage of the revenue from system sales benefits the U.S. Dream Academy, a nonprofit organization that positively impacts urban youth.

Prior to founding his company, Simon worked in the hospitality and tourism industry for 20 years and was sales director and new business development director for the world-renowned Disney Institute based at Walt Disney World Resort.®

Simon holds a Master’s degree from Faith Christian University and was inducted as an honorary member of the University of Central Florida Golden Key Honor Society. He is also a former member of the advisory council for Management and Executive Education at Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business, one of the top 25 best private graduate business schools in the United States.

He was named Man of the Year by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Central Florida and serves on the Board of Directors for the U.S. Dream Academy and the Orlando Health Foundation. Speaker magazine also selected him as one of the top 25 “hot speakers” shaping the profession.

When Simon is not working, he spends quality time with his two active teenagers, roots for the Buffalo Bills, and is an avid moviegoer.

Speaker Topics

Own the Moment - How to Shift Your Brilliance and Change the World

This is a call to embrace change, create better ways of thinking, and produce results.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” That safe perspective comes from the father of modern physics, Albert Einstein. In one concise sentence, Einstein pinpointed the shift we need to make in our thinking to create brilliant moments.

The reality is that anyone that has made an impact or left an indelible imprint refused to settle for the status quo. Business are being forced to adapt to the “new normal,” talent is being re-examined for relevancy and results. Best practices must move over and give way to best ideas. We exist at this moment in time to create the future.

Our Process: To create a memorable experience we would like to have a conference call with key stakeholders, conduct pre-keynote interviews with meeting attendees, and use concepts from Simon’s book Shift Your Brilliance published by SoundWisdom, and his work with over 1,000 organizations over the last 12 years.

Your Payoff: Learn how to:

– Become a Chief Breakthrough Officer by becoming the “Go-to” person in your industry, business, department and division.
– Break from the pack by building relationships instead of creating transactions.
– Realign your personal beliefs and behaviors to focus on going the extra mile

Shift Your Brilliance- How to Lead, Engage and Grow in the Next Decade

Stale…stuck…spiritless. That is what an organization, team, leader or individual becomes when mojo is lost. Simply launching anything in this hypersensitive, over-communicative world isn’t enough anymore.

Announcing to the world that you are new and improved doesn’t guarantee long-term results. Everyone inside the organization is waiting for sparks to fly and to be launched into the stratosphere. Yet, in a few months’ time, reality sets in and the brand “star” comes crashing back to earth.

To reinvigorate and ignite a fresh mindset that enables yourself, your company, your customers, your employees to achieve the determined goals, you must stop communicating and start connecting.

This starts with an emerging leader making an emotional commitment to bring out the best in themselves and then doing the same in everyone around them. This challenges team members to raise the bar on their engagement and productivity. The ultimate benefactor of this SHIFT in thinking are customers who opt-in to become your brand champions.

As a result of participating in this program, participants will be able to:

1. Examine everything they do and ask if they are creating a sustainable future that engages everyone around them – themselves, their team, their stakeholders and their customers.
2. Identify the best thinking to start what is necessary, stop what is no longer relevant, and continue what is working.
3. Create a deeper sense of personal accountability by transferring emotional ownership to everyone around them.
4. Apply the “shift mindset” that aligns heads, hearts, and hands to achieve results.

The two competencies that participants will improve during this interactive presentation are:

– Awareness and Insight – the ability to assess ones’ owns strengths; understand how actions impact perceptions; effectively maneuver the culture, climate and politics of the organization at all levels.

– Initiative – the habit of proactively seeking new opportunities and challenges; the skill to take ownership and be accountable for enhancing results or minimizing problems.

Customer Love- Realigning Heads, Hearts and Hands to Deliver Results

Customer love-
Realigning heads, hearts and hands to deliver results

Connections, real connections, results in genuine customer loyalty. Earning the trust and respect of your client or prospective client is no easy task. In today’s information age, the competition for goods and services is even greater and the end consumer not only has more options, but access to vast information about potential offerings.

Building relationships and earning your customer’s love is more important than ever and requires a village. Are your employees fully invested in your thinking and service standards? Building an internal team that is focused on the company’s mission and dedicated to excellence requires leadership that has earned trust and respect.

Our Process: To create a memorable experience we would like to have a conference call with key stakeholders, conduct pre-keynote interviews with meeting attendees, and use concepts from Simon’s book Shift Your Brilliance published by SoundWisdom, and his work with over 1,000 organizations over the last 12 years.

Your Payoff: At the end of this session, participants will emerge from this highly interactive session with a plan of action and will be able to:

– Discover the formula for creating a seamless customer experience.
– Learn tips, tools, and techniques to create memorable moments for customers.
– Create an action plan and hold everyone accountable for maintaining the customer-love mindset.

Shift Your Brilliance - Harness the Power of You, Inc.

Are you waiting for your company or organization to do something? Well, guess what? They are waiting for you to take ownership. The “adult daycare center” is closed and you are now responsible for developing yourself and producing results.

Business change is moving at the speed of light and to keep pace your organization needs you to be your own career architect.

What is driving this line of thinking? McKinsey & Company forecasts that by 2025, automation technology innovations will assume tasks now performed by 250 million knowledge workers worldwide, freeing the remaining workforce to devote time and energy to more creative pursuits.

Whether you hold a leadership position or not, repositioning yourself to revitalize your role within your current team or company is a powerful tool for professional development and rapid career growth.

You will learn Simon’s strategies for staying relevant in every economy and emerge from this highly interactive session with a plan of action to:

– Apply core principles for acquiring the “Shift Your Brilliance” mindset;
– Uncover the insight needed to be a high performer; and
– Commit to being a Chief Breakthrough Officer in your department or division.

Shift Your Brilliance – Leading Amidst Uncertainty

Business change is happening at the speed of light. The leadership skills of yesterday will not carry the day in the new and rapidly evolving business landscape.

McKinsey & Company forecasts that by 2025, automation technology innovations will assume the tasks now performed by 250 million knowledge workers worldwide.

To stay relevant and competitive, even the most senior leaders must reposition themselves and their companies – and this will take a mindset reset.

Simon will address the critical strategies that empower individuals to lead without a title and stay relevant in every economy while escalating their impact.

He will share core principles for acquiring a forward-looking mindset while guiding participants on how to discover the insight needed to be a leader for the future.

Finally, Simon will challenge you to commit to becoming the Chief Breakthrough Officer in your organization.

Brilliant Living – Own Your Future

Welcome to the New Normal where there are never enough hours in the day to do everything you want to do. This is a time in history when professionals take their timid feet off the brakes of life, career, and business, and accelerate into the future. I have good news for you.

The good old days may be behind us, but there are magnificent days just around the corner. Enough waiting around; enough biting your nails; enough tapping your feet; enough wishing and waiting for something to happen.

Consider this your nudge, your push, your invitation to show up in a big way. Now is the time to make something happen. Simon will share insights on how he reinvented himself at Disney as well as key insights that he’s learned while working with 1,500 organizations in 45 countries over the past 15 years.

Brilliant Living will teach you how to make something happen instead of playing it safe. You have a choice to make.

Be average or be brilliant. Which one are you? Will you dare to be brilliant? If so, there are eight core areas of life that one must constantly evaluate to live a brilliant life: spiritual, family, career/business, emotional, mental, wellness, social and financial. Simon T. Bailey leads this inspiring and invigorating session in which participants will learn how to:

– Increase capacity to be confident in career and life;”
– Understand how and why mindfulness meditation can provide a breakthrough; and
– Experience a simple tool to use to regularly evaluate the eight core areas of life.

How to Break the Sound Barriers in Education

83% of U.S. teenagers feel more stressed out than do adults, and school is by far the main cause of their stress.

46 % of all new teachers in the United States leave the profession within five years.

According to the World Economic Forum, as we march toward the fourth industrial revolution, our young people are not prepared. By the time they graduate from high school, as many as two-thirds of children entering primary school today will not have the skills required to get a job. The impact will be worse for women, who already have less than two-thirds of the economic opportunity that men have.

We cannot sit by any longer and watch the future of our country’s greatest asset – young people – have their wings clipped even before they soar. Empowered Education is the clarion call for everyone concerned about this country’s economic stability to rise up and transform the system from the inside out. The revolution is real, because the future is here.

Every educator must possess the mindset to change themselves first and then change the system they are in. anticipate the future economic drivers of the community, and radically overhaul their approach in engaging teachers, parents, students, and the community at large in a new way. This will require all stakeholders in education to lead differently in the midst of uncertainty by:

– Creating a culture where everyone thrives;
– Building professional presence of educators in the school and developing their collaboration skills; and
– Shifting from teacher-centric to student-centered.

Customer Experience – Increase Your Revenue with a Spirit of Excellence

Customers who have a great experience with a company are 9x more likely to recommend them, 8x more likely to trust them, and 7x more likely to forgive their mistakes and to buy from them again.

94% of customers who have a low-effort service experience will buy from the same company again.

85% of buyers will pay more for a customer experience, but only 1% believe that vendors consistently meet their expectations.

Be inspired to create a simple and consistent customer interaction that produces loyalty, referrals, and higher revenue. Simon’s wisdom and expertise enabled an Orlando-based healthcare system to be acquired and a division of a hospitality company to be ranked #1 for customer service by

His team also custom-designed a full-cay customer experience program for Boston Consulting Group entitled “Platinum Service with a Brilliant Touch.”

Participants will have the following takeaways:

– Accept personal responsibility for delivering exceptional service; do the right thing for customers not because one has to but because one wants to;
– Become creative, innovative, and proactive in anticipating and satisfying customer needs;
– Use the SPARK model for Branding the Moment through platinum service; and
– Velcro your brand to your customers by focusing on meaningful personal connections rather than stale customer interactions.

Brand the Moment – Platinum Service with a Brilliant Touch

The Center for Customer Driven Quality at Purdue University reports that 90% of American consumers form their perception of companies based primarily on the service experience. Customers buy more frequently, make more transactions and are willing to pay more per transaction when they deal with companies who provide them with a superior service experience. On the other hand, we all know what happens when a business disappoints a customer!

To become a brilliant brand that focuses on “Platinum Service with a Brilliant Touch”, every team member must feel a significant sense of personal ownership. From the front line to the executive suite, Customer Love is all about re-enlisting heads, hearts and hands to create internal alignment, brand longevity, and customer loyalty.

Unleash a fresh way of thinking about the customer experience. Start a process that will transform your organization’s culture into one that consistently delivers Platinum Service. Teach your team members how to achieve Platinum Service from the inside out and adopt it as a way of life.

Simon T. Bailey leads this inspiring and invigorating session in which participants will learn how to:

– Accept personal responsibility for delivering exceptional service, doing the right thing for customers not because one has to, but because one wants to;
– Become creative, innovative, and proactive in anticipating and satisfying customer needs;
– Use the SPARK model for Branding the Moment through platinum service; and
– Velcro your brand to your customers by focusing on meaningful personal connections rather than stale customer interactions.

Stop Selling and Start Connecting

The Gallup Organization states that 70 percent of human decision-making is emotional and 30 percent is rational. When buyers emotionally connect with a brand, they buy more, pay a higher margin, and tell others about their experience. It is imperative for sales professionals to stop selling and start connecting. When they sell, that’s a transaction. However, when they connect, a relationship is created for the life of the brand.

This shift in selling has tremendous upside potential as organizations experience disruptive market forces, a change in client needs, and unseen economic headwinds. Sales professionals who intend to grow market share by acquiring new customers and increasing margins from existing customers must examine their sales edge.

Upon completion of this session, your sales team will be inspired to:

– Shift from selling to live to living to sell by creating a personal brand that attracts new opportunities and establishes credibility in the marketplace;
– Shift from telling customers about features and benefits to asking high-grade questions that unearth other potential opportunities; and
– Shift from just selling a service to fulfilling the customer’s wants and needs including how to set up internal team members for success by providing a seamless and consistent customer experience.


“It is my pleasure to recommend Simon T. Bailey to any organization looking to hire him as a speaker. Simon has presented for county employees and management in three counties where I have served – Broward County, Fulton County and, most recently, DeKalb County. In every instance, his energy, enthusiasm and brilliant message inspired and motivated our teams to greater heights. His ability to tailor his message to his audience and to engage the audience in participation makes him my “go-to” speaker. Everyone who sees Simon present leaves with a renewed sense of purpose and is more fully engaged in their work and life. You cannot go wrong bringing Simon to your organization; you will not be disappointed.”

Zachary L. Williams, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Assistant, DeKalb County

“Simon’s energy and enthusiasm are absolutely contagious as he shares his Brilliance with the audience. Our folks at McDonald’s laughed and learned with Simon, and still carry with them the Brilliance he conveyed that day. His new book is more evidence of his talents and gifts in encouraging people to unlock their genius and be their best.”

Heidi Barker Sa Shekhem, Vice President, McDonald’s Global External Communications

“I want to thank you so much for an excellent closing session at Great Ideas. You were phenomenal and you can tell by the Twitter stream that your comments totally resonated with the audience. I really appreciate you customizing your presentation to the association audience because the information you shared was so pertinent. And, by the way, I love your laugh!”

Anne Blouin, Chief Learning Officer, American Society of Association Executives (ASAE)

“I realize this e-mail is long in coming and I hope the delay will not diminish it’s impact. In all honesty, I do not know how to express how grateful I am that you were our speaker at this year’s Gatorade Training. The feedback we have received has been overwhelming. In the past, we have not really even had keynote speakers, but last year and this year, our event has grown and the content evolved such that a speaker made sense. The beauty of what you did on stage last month, was that you were able to deliver a message that resonated with the entire audience: athletic trainers, business owners, brand managers, events staff. It is such an enviable skill to be able to speak in a way that delivers both an emotional and rational impact. In the back of the room, my colleague and I kept looking at each other and doing the universal sign for “mind blown” when you would drop nuggets like “’silent’ and ‘listen’ have the same letters” and “…what HR can’t catch.”

You left us all with things to think about and work on and generally inspired a room of people in exactly the way we had hoped. You have taken the training to a whole new level and the team is already talking about what we could possibly do next year now that such a high bar has been set.

You mentioned on stage that you were working on a weight loss goal, so we sent you a little package to fuel your journey to lose those last couple of pounds. Hopefully it will help get you there! Please know if there is anything that we can ever do for you, just let us know. You are now an official FOG “friend of Gatorade” and I look forward to the day our paths may cross again.

Thank you for making our training great and take care,”

Shawna Ryan, Gatorade

“Simon spent time getting to know our attendees and their challenges in advance so he could tailor his keynote directly to them as education leaders. He was the only thought leader that was also an active conference attendee. The result was very powerful. Our attendees left inspired and rejuvenated.”

Beverly Hutton, Director of Development, National Association of Secondary School Principals

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